Monday, January 07, 2008

Fiery Rain of Stones

Attended a new go club yesterday. It was my first time at the Fiery Rain of Stones go club and I had a great time. I played four people: giving 2H to two of them, playing one of them (a 1k?) even, and taking 3 stones from a 3 dan. I won all of the games, and they estimate my strength at around 1d in local terms. The 3 dan commented that my tactics were "very strong" and that the biggest thing to work on was being a little more willing to sacrifice stones--just a few moves sooner. I also gave up too much influence.

On the plus side, I managed two major kills (well, one major kill and keeping something from living).

It helps that I was playing at what I felt like was my best. I've always been a few stones stronger in person, and KGS rankings are evidently slightly stronger than local rankings.

I think I especially need to work on my endgame and my attack and defense, especially the uses and prevention of influence, and start working on my strategic view of the board again.

Experiments in L&D show that my L&D is not great, but is suitable to someone at my level. I'll need to work on it 'soon' though. My grip on maek is coming back to me, but isn't where I want it to be. Other parts of my game can wait until my endgame, attack/defense, and global strategy improve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've found your blog through senseis wiki, as i was searching for Korean Problem Academy books.
You wrote on senseis " nachtrabe: I received my copy of Volume III from just a few weeks ago"
Any chance you can scan the cover so I can ask my Korean friend to look for it in Korea? Many thanks in advance!